Rocsana's Hope Chronicles

Empowering Lives, One Story at a Time

Rocsana’s Hope Welcomes Two New Girls!

Fabiana, on the left, came to be with us at Rocsana’s Hope on Monday, May 19th and has been an absolute gem and a huge blessing. Her mom died when she was very little and her dad is in prison. She was living with her maternal grandfather until he remarried and his new wife no longer wanted her with them so she was forced to leave. She slept where she could until Esther met her on the street. One thing led to another and we decided to invite her to come and be a part of our ministry. She accepted with deep gratitude and has already been such a huge blessing to all of us here. She is so excited that she actually gets to have a future with hope. Darling, on the right, was accepted into our program on June 1st of this year. She was in a government orphanage. In March of 2017 there was a fire at a government orphanage in Guatemala City that saw 40 girls lose their lives. Darling was in that orphanage when the fire occurred but through God’s grace survived the incident. She turned 18 and would have otherwise had to live on the street but for the efforts of Myrna, a lady who works for the government that now knows about Rocsana’s Hope. She asked if we would be willing to take her, and we did with joy. Darling has responded to the loving atmosphere we have here and she is doing wonderfully.

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